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Karina Tarot (78 cards + 9 unique Arcanas)

В наличии

Автор(ы) Karina Tarot
ISBN 978-5-91742-209-1
Кол-во страниц 288
Формат 210x148x20
Переплет Мягкий
Вес 500
Издательство Велигор
Год издания 2023
Язык Английский
Происхождение книги Отечественная литература
Бумага Офсетная
Направление литературы Эзотерика
Книги по эзотерике Эзотерические учения
3000 РУБ
Дополнительная скидка 10% при оплате онлайн

You are holding an author's deck which contains all practical experience of predictions of many years    and knowledge of the Author, you are welcome to use it now too.  The deck is unique to the precision of drawing images. Also, the deck contains symbols in the form of information icons, all the necessary information about astrological and planetary correspondences, the time of year, the time of day, the sex of a child or adult, the number of children and the elements that each card corresponds to. This information makes your predictions more accurate and makes it easier to interpret the layouts.

The deck contains 9 additional author's arcanas, which more accurately reflect the essence of what is happening and answer the questions Why?, What exactly?, How?, and What to do?.  This deck is suitable for those who have just begun to study the Tarot system, as well as for experienced fortune-tellers, since Karina Tarot is currently the most accurate prediction tool of all the previously known Tarot card decks.

The size of the cards is 66x120mm, cardboard 350 g + card varnish. Gift solid box Case. 78 cards + 9 additional arcanas + instruction.

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